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Xiao Chu helpless sigh, taking advantage of the ability to switch to the neutral shock. Xiao Chu continuously waving his right hand, a long whip salamanders as a flame swept the corpse group, instantly ignited the entire corpse group. Zombie stimulated by the flame is more violent, the wooden fence that road no longer obstruct the corpse group, have been severely damaged corpse group. Zombies covered in fiery look more ferocious than before, waving claws to the nearest target from sunglasses online Xiao Chu rushed past.

This is the ability of the rebels had from Russia, which is copied from at Natasha 's father, but because of its Oakley sunglasses outlet capacity compared, this ' solidified ' capacity is very energy -consuming, so Xiao Chu is generally not very used However, in this situation now Xiao Chu had to use. Xiao Chu after switching capability, hands flat to the sides Meng Hui, an invisible gas barrier wall in the group will be dead ten meters away. Gas wall invisible zombie who will not be ignited flames, and as long as the body sufficient energy Xiao Chu, sunglasses outlet existence of this track can be maintained gas wall.

Flame is still burning, but the momentum is getting smaller and smaller, because the flesh is not easy to burn those zombies burn his clothes after the hair, will have nothing to burn things. A son floated in the air smelling odors smell, hundreds of zombies pushing the gas wall, what 's the big strength of both man and Xiao Chu was pushed back wall with a dead group. Xiao Chu Hsin Tao this does not work, you want to let the white around to the back to a corpse after attack from the group, being afraid of white flame hurt, after all, he is not the strength of white touch is very clear, are hesitant when suddenly hear cereal children shouted: Xiao Chu to help his brother sunglasses outlet sunglasses outlet !

