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"Again I say, I don't want children!"I refrained from gas, solemn declaration.Do with chi flat iron discuss in my history, what?"Yes, I'll have to ask the ring, there is no way to turn your body conditioning more strong point?I see you are too thin, should eat a little."CHI like before, suddenly jumped up, a gust of wind rush out like: "ah, yes!If I haven't made a breakfast."

It is chicken and duck!The worry about chi straighteners don't worry, should not worry, he is worry!CHI madly in love with the sunrise, sunset of life.Here, no worries, no work, no plot, no right to some, but full, inexhaustible love.I often unconsciously in CHI eye palpitation, foolishly, over and over, not to mind taking the trouble to repeat: "I love you!I really love a good love you!"

Whenever this time, chi will reach it in my hair, you make nothing of to say: "girl, you have said many times, I'm tired of listening to!"Angry CHI will be hard to "punish" I, with his young male body, with all his love, common light the passion, through one of which belongs to the lover's fiery lingering spring night.


